Updated November 2022
PowerPhone is committed to taking user feedback and improving the content and features you see in Total Response. Many of the content changes listed below are because of your feedback. We encourage you to make suggestions so that Total Response continues to improve.
For TR SA upgrade instructions go here.
New Protocols
- Officer Down: To be used when receiving citizen/bystander calls of an officer down.
- Lost Person: To be used when a person is reported as lost or calls and states they are lost. Differing from the Missing Person protocol in that, as an example, in a lost person scenario they are likely hikers and in a remote area. Whereas a Missing Person may be a runaway juvenile, or a confused elderly individual that has wandered away from home.
- Welfare Check: To be used for any situation where a Welfare Check, urgent or non-urgent, is being requested. May also be referred to as a Check the Welfare or a Wellbeing Check.
New Procedures
- Hanging: Applicable when a caller reports a person hanging likely because of a suicide/attempted suicide.
- Stuck Accelerator: To be used when receiving calls of a vehicle that that is not stopping due to a stuck accelerator.
System Wide Changes
- Added an Advisory Statement to Breathing elements to address agonal breathing.
- Removed two defunct procedures that no longer displayed data. ‘Cave-in’ and ‘Building Collapse’.
Protocol Content Revisions
- Corrected a “sunny day scenario” where no dispatch recommendation was being recommended.
Animal Bites
- Corrected a triggered incident type code.
- Added module links to provide automatic navigation to Secondary Questions.
- Added an ‘Accept Dispatch’ trigger to the ‘NOT BREATHING’ answer details for the ‘Breathing’ element.
Breathing Problems
- Added an Advisory Statement to the module addressing pediatric concerns.
- Modified the Primary Questions module to accommodate a previous change involving the Infectious Disease procedure.
Carbon Monoxide-Inhalation
- Corrected a missing trigger and modified wording to the Breathing element on Primary Questions to reflect wording on Vital Signs.
Chest Pain
- Corrected a uniformity discrepancy among Incident Type weightings on the Breathing element answer details.
- Made necessary revisions to the conditions on the ‘Breathing’ element in regards to Infant CPR.
Chimney Fire
- Corrected a uniformity issue among Incident Types on the ‘NOT BREATHING’ answer details on Vital Signs.
- Corrected a uniformity issue among Incident Types on the ‘NOT BREATHING’ and ‘No’ answer details on Vital Signs.
Cold Exposure
- Corrected uniformity issues on the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital signs and Primary Questions in regards to Incident Types and Risk Weightings.
- Removed an empty answer detail branch.
Diabetic Problems
- Corrected a uniformity discrepancy among Incident Type weightings on the ‘Breathing’ element answer details.
- Removed an extra Risk Weighting trigger from the ‘Breathing’ element on Primary Questions.
Diving-Drowning Incidents
- Corrected an incorrect Adult CPR module link on the ‘Water Rescue 4’ element on PAI.
- Corrected a uniformity discrepancy among Incident Type weightings on the ‘Breathing’ element answer details on Vital Signs.
Domestic Disturbance
- Corrected uniformity issues on the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs in regards to Incident Types and Risk Weightings.
- Corrected navigation on the ‘When’ element with no conditions.
Electrical Hazard
- Changed the ‘Injury’ element on PAI from Multi-select to Single Select.
- Corrected a spelling error in the ‘Injury’ element Advisory Statement.
- Corrected an incorrect Adult CPR module link on the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs.
Falls-Back Injury
- Corrected an Incident Type discrepancy on the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs.
Hazardous Materials
- Added missing module links for Person, Vehicle, and Weapon Description procedures on the ‘Suspicious Activity’ element on Secondary Questions.
- Removed an unnecessary branch from the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs.
Heart Problems
- Added an ‘Accept Dispatch’ trigger to ‘NOT BREATHING’.
Heat Exposure
- Corrected uniformity issues on the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs in regards to Incident Types and Risk Weightings.
- Corrected instances where the ‘Injury’ element on Primary Questions was showing as Multi-select instead of Single Select.
Lock Out-Lock In
- Corrected default Incident Type and Risk Weighting on the ‘Vulnerable’ element on Primary Questions.
- Corrected instances where the ‘Injury’ element on Primary Questions was showing as Multi-select instead of Single Select.
Marine Incident
- Added navigation to the ‘Rescue’ element on Secondary Questions to go to ‘Hazards’.
- Added a new element ‘Life Vest’. Inserted as the second Secondary Question.
Mental Health
- New Title: This protocol was formerly titled Psychiatric-Behavioral.
- Note: When doing Quality Assessment, calls handled under Psychiatric-Behavioral will still show the previous name. New calls handled under Mental Health will show Mental Health.
- The ‘Weapons’ element was moved up as the second Primary Question.
Missing Person
- Added a new answer detail of ‘Known/Witnessed Injury(s)’ to the ‘Vulnerable’ element.
Mutual Aid
- Added the ‘Description’ element as the first Primary Question.
- Changed the word “sort” to “type” on the ‘What’ element.
- Added a ‘Staging’ element as the fourth Primary Question.
- Moved the ‘Comment’ element from Call Closure module to Secondary Questions.
- Added ‘Unknown’ as an answer detail to the ‘Injury’ element.
- Adjusted default Incident Type on the ‘None’ answer detail on the ‘Injury’ element on Primary Questions.
- Added new element of ‘Fuel’ after the ‘Hazard Description’ element.
- Added a new Advisory Statement to the ‘Fuel’ element.
- Added an answer detail of ‘Unknown’ to the ‘Hazards’ element on Primary Questions.
- New Title: This protocol was formerly titled Poisoning-Ingestion.
- Note: When doing Quality Assessment, calls handled under Poisoning-Ingestion will still show the previous name. New calls handed under Overdose-Poisoning will show Overdose-Poisoning.
- Corrected instances where NALOXONE was not capitalized on the ‘Alert’ element on PAI.
- Changed the ‘What Happened’ element on Primary Questions to free text to allow varied notes.
Public Disturbance
- New Title: This protocol was formerly titled Public Disturbance-Riot.
- Note: When doing Quality Assessment, calls handled under Public Disturbance-Riot will still show the previous name. New calls handed under Public Disturbance will show Public Disturbance.
Public Indecency
- Updated the Advisory Statement associated with the ‘What’ element on Primary Questions.
Sick Person
- Corrected a typo on the module level Advisory Statement.
- Corrected instances where NALOXONE was not capitalized on the ‘Alert’ element on PAI.
Stab-Gunshot Incident
- Corrected instances where the ‘Injury’ element on Primary Questions was showing as Multi-select instead of Single Select.
- Corrected uniformity issues on the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs in regards to Incident Types and Risk Weightings.
Structure Fire
- Corrected a typo in the ‘Smoke Protection’ element on the PAI module.
- Removed an extra answer detail branch that was not necessary from the ‘Breathing’ element on Vital Signs.
- We replaced the ‘Trapped’ element on PAI with ‘Safety’ as ‘Trapped’ was also on Primary Questions resulting in the answer being carried over automatically. The text of the element remains the same.
- A new advisory statement was added to all answer details on the ‘Outside’ element on PAI.
- Change the listing of thin materials in the text of the element to ‘t-shirt, washcloth, pillow case’ for clarity.
- Corrected a typo on the advisory statement on the ‘Trapped Advice’ element on PAI.
Traumatic Injury
- Corrected uniformity issues on the ‘Breathing’ element on Primary Questions in regards to Incident Types Weightings.
- Corrected a typo in the Advisory Statement on the ‘Amputation’ element on Secondary Questions.
- Re-arranged the default order of the Primary Questions to accommodate asking about weapons earlier in the call.
- Added the ‘Property’ element to Secondary Questions.
- Moved the ‘Lock out’ element from Call Closure to PAI.
Vehicle Fire
- Added a new ‘Fuel’ element similar to the addition to the MVA protocol in order to ask about fuel type/if EVs are involved.
- Added a new advisory statement about EVs to the ‘Fuel’ element.
- Re-arranged the default order of Primary Questions to move ‘Injury’ after ‘Vehicle Description’.
Procedure Content Revisions
Active Shooter
- Corrected a typo in the module level Advisory Statement.
Choking (Child)
- Corrected a module link on the ‘Abdo thrust 8’ element.
CPR Adult
- Capitalized the entirety of the ‘YES-IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE’ answer detail on the ‘AED’ element as it is a link to a procedure.
CPR Infant
- Added the answer detail, and related feature, of ‘CPR COUNTER’ to the ‘Chest Compression 4’ element.
- Added the related Advisory Statement regarding the CPR Counter to ‘Chest Compression 4’.
Infectious Diseases
- Corrected a typo in the module level Advisory Statement.
- Updated the ‘NasalSpray5’ element to include the correct timing of a 2nd dose.
Recovery Position
- Corrected a typo in the module level Advisory Statement.